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Summary of Certificate

Table Summarizing the Pollution Prevention Certificate

Table Summarizing
Certificates Certificate of the Disposition of O.S.R.V Certificates of Stockpiling of O.S.R materials
Region Incheon Area / Busan Area / Ulsan Area /
Pohang Area / Yeosu Area / Incheon Port /
PyeongtaekㆍDangjin Port / Daesan Port /
Gunsan Port / Mokpo Port / Yeosu Port /
Gwangyang Port / Masan Port / Busan Port /
Ulsan Port / Pohang Port /
Donghae·Mukho Port / Jeju Port
Port areas across the country
Vessel Oil tankers of 500 tons or more Vessels other than oil tankers of 10,000 tons or more Oil tankers of 100 tons or more, and vessels other than oil tankers of 10,000 tons or more
Freight Oils and General Cargos
Law * Article 67 of the Marine Environmental Management Act (Placement, etc. of Polluti][on Response Vessels, etc.)
* Article 69 of the Marine Environmental Management Act(Pollution Response Contributions)
* Article 54 of the Enforcement Degree of the Prevention of Marine Pollution Act (Criteria and Procedures for Imposition of Pollution Response Contribution)
* Article 54 of the Enforcement Degree for the Prevention of Pollution from ships (Sea areas in which pollution prevention vessels, etc. are arranged)
* Article 66 o][f the Marine Environmental Management Act (Keeping Materials and Chemicals , etc.
* Article 122 of the Marine Environmental Management Act (Fees)
* Article 93 of the Enforcement Degree of the Prevention of Marine Pollution Act (Exception of collection Fees)
Fees Fees for the placement and installation of pollution response vessels, etc Fees for the placement and installation of materials and chemi][cals
  • ※ Having Certificate of the Disposition of O.S.R.V is regarded as being equipped with materials and chemicals, etc.
  • ※ Amounts of less than 1,000won shall be removed from the share in expenses.
  • 네이버밴드
  • 페이스북
  • 트위터
  • 네이버포스트
  • 인스타그램
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